
Data organization in MySQL + Tableau

In this project, I combined SQL and Tableau. The included use cases helped discover professional methods for analyzing and visualizing the data appropriately. This project aimed to complete 4 tasks by answering questions around the dataset. I used the Employees_mod dataset.

Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) and Statistical Analysis in R Programming

This analysis involved a comprehensive exploration and understanding of a dataset about US traffic accidents, followed by a statistical investigation of various aspects of the data. The dataset is composed of 2,845,342 rows and 47 columns.

Exploratory Data Analysis and Visualization in PYTHON

In this portfolio project, I have delved into the fascinating world of retail analytics by working with a dataset from a supermarket chain store. The dataset provides information, capturing various aspects of the business. Using Python, a powerful and versatile programming language, I have conducted an analysis of this data. The goal of this project was to uncover insights that could help the supermarket chain enhance its operations,

Card Expense Manager

This project I've developed allows me to effortlessly monitor and manage my card expenses. It provides a clear overview of my spending patterns, helping me make smarter financial decisions. This Card Expense Manager is a personal endeavor that is allowing me to leverage the power of Tableau for my own financial management needs.

Station Demand Analysis: Cyclistic's Customer Patterns
In my role as a Business Intelligence Analyst, I have been assigned to analyze customer behavior and patterns. To accomplish this, I employed the ETL process, which involves Extracting, Transforming, and Loading the dataset into a target system for visualization and analysis. For the transformation process, I utilized BigQuery SQL from the Google cloud platform, while Tableau served as the tool for data visualization.

(Click the images to access each project)

GreatFit Clothing Store
Greatfit is an online e-commerce store that sells ladies clothing. They make a lot of sales through various platforms. Customers generally leave reviews and Greatfit hasn't been doing any analytics and investigation in the reviews. In this project, I've developed a dashboard to provide an analysis of how the reviews are.
Data Cleaning and EDA in MySQL

In this project, I focused on cleaning and analyzing a dataset in MySQL. The task involved refining the data, addressing minor issues like missing entries and duplicates. Once the data was in good shape, I conducted an exploratory analysis to uncover trends and insights. This project really emphasized the value of proper data preparation in making meaningful data-driven conclusions.